How does the hearing officer make a decision?
Appeals hearing officers make decisions based on proof, witness testimony and Administrative Rules. These rules include definitions used to understand your eligibility.
Example: You were fired from a job and applied for unemployment benefits. Your claim was denied because Idaho Department of Labor found that you fired for misconduct. You appeal and attend an appeals hearing. The hearing officer will hear your case and decide if it fits official definitions. For misconduct, the definition is:IDAPA defines MISCONDUCT as a willful disregard of the employer’s interests; a deliberate violation of its rules; or a failure to meet its reasonable expectations. The employer is required to prove misconduct.
What happens after the hearing?
The hearing officer will mail a written decision to all interested parties. Decisions are usually mailed within 10 business days of the hearing.
A decision becomes final 14 days after the mailing date — unless you file an appeal.
Can I appeal an appeals decision?
If you disagree with a decision, you can file a written appeal within 14 days to the Idaho Industrial Commission. The department and the Appeals Bureau cannot accept these appeals.
Incorporated employers must include the signature and title of a corporate officer or licensed attorney. The Idaho Industrial Commission will only take appeals filed by employer representatives who are attorneys.
Email appeals to:
Mail appeals to:
Idaho Industrial Commission Judicial Division, IDOL Appeals
P. O. Box 83720
Boise, Idaho 83720-0041
Hand-deliver appeals to:
Idaho Industrial Commission
11321 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 2,
Boise ID 83714
Fax appeals to: (208) 332-7588
Questions? Call Idaho Industrial Commission, Unemployment Appeals, at (208) 334-6024.
What if my address has changed or will change?
Update your information with the Appeals Bureau as soon as possible. Call (208) 334-6024.
Also update your contact information on the Claimant Portal.What if I didn’t receive the Notice of Telephone Hearing or Decision?
Call the Appeals Bureau immediately at (208) 334-6024.May I provide additional information after the hearing?
No, unless:
- The hearing officer gave specific instructions.
- The hearing officer left the record open for more information.
If you missed your hearing or have new evidence, you may file a written request to reopen the hearing. You must file this request within 10 days of the mailing date on the decision.
Sign and send your request by email, fax or mail.
Email to:
Fax to: Appeals Bureau at (208) 334-6024.
Mail to:
Appeals Bureau
317 West Main Street
Boise, Idaho 83735-0720.