ATTENTION: Unemployment insurance weekly requirements have changed. For more information, click here.
AVISO: Los requisitos semanales del seguro de desempleo han cambiado. Para más información, haga clic aquí.

FAQs for Apprenticeship and Job Seekers

What are registered apprenticeships?

Apprenticeships are training programs which allow you to “earn while you learn.” They allow you to pursue a nationally recognized certification in the career of your choice through an on-the-job learning experience combined with classroom training.

What are the benefits?

One of the greatest benefits of doing an apprenticeship is that you earn money while you’re learning. That means you’re employed by a company and getting paid to train. When you consider the high costs of going to college, you can see why apprenticeships are so popular. Our apprentices also tell us they enjoy studying this way because they get to learn in a much more hands-on way than they’d be able to in a classroom or lecture hall. Additionally, a registered apprenticeship is the only kind of apprenticeship where the certification is recognized by employers in all 50 states.

Are apprentices employees?

Yes. Apprentices must be full-time or near full-time employees of the company to which they are apprenticed. However, in the event of school-to-apprentice programs, registered apprentices may be part time.

For what careers can I get apprenticeship training?

Apprenticeships can be offered in a variety of careers: automotive, construction, culinary, health care, manufacturing, financial services and transportation to name a few. Examples of such careers are heavy equipment operator, coder, programmer, dental assistant, hotel associate, low-voltage system installer and many more.

Are apprenticeship certificates important to employers?

Yes. Companies tell us they like to see that employees have on-the-job experience.

Does an apprenticeship allow me to progress within my career?

Yes, the journey doesn’t end once you’ve completed your apprenticeship. Studies show 33% of employers have seen apprentices reach management positions within their company and more than 50% of employers said it took five years or less for an apprentice to reach such a position.

How do I get an apprenticeship?

You’re in the right place! We post all the current apprenticeship opportunities on our website at Applicants can create an IdahoWorks account to apply.

What might a typical week be like as an apprentice?

You’d most likely be working within a company four to five days a week, doing the job and learning from your mentor and colleagues. You also might be given specific training or set tasks to help you develop your skills. Then you may study either in the classroom or online in the evenings where you’d learn both academic and technical skills tailored to your job.

If you’re enrolled in school, you might also have an apprenticeship coordinator who may check to see how you’re doing.

How old do I have to be to enroll in an apprenticeship?

You have to be between ages 16 to 64 years.

How long does it take to complete an apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship takes a minimum of 12 months to complete. Depending on the apprenticeship, it could last as long as four years.

Can I stay at the company once I’ve finished my apprenticeship?

The majority of people do stay with the same employer, and while there’s no guarantee you’ll be kept on, apprentices often go on to work their way up the corporate ladder with additional training and promotions. According to research, 85% of apprentices will stay in employment, with two-thirds (64%) staying with the same employer.

I’m a veteran. Can I be an apprentice?

Yes. Apprenticeship entitles veterans to collect training benefits from the Veterans’ Administration. Registered apprenticeships constitute qualified training for a veteran to receive benefits under the Montgomery GI Bill and Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation. Depending on the branch of service, veteran’s survivors may be eligible under Chapter 35, survivors or dependents programs.

Can an apprentice get laid off or fired?

Yes, apprentices are employees and like all employees, a job loss is a possibility. Apprenticeship activities may stop for the apprentice who is either laid off or unemployed. Cessation or continuance of apprenticeship activities may depend on length of time of layoff or unemployment.


FAQs for Employers

I own a small business. Can I develop an apprenticeship program?

Yes! Apprenticeship is a small-business friendly solution to finding skilled labor. Please contact our office, and we can assist you in developing your program at no cost to you. In fact, your company may qualify for cost reimbursements, tax credits and other benefits.

Is it a lot of work for the employer to manage an apprenticeship program?

It’s not much different than training any new employee. Apprenticeship Idaho offers employers a success guide that helps you navigate and streamline the paperwork. We have three full-time staff dedicated to making your company’s apprenticeship program a rewarding experience. It’s easy to start and develop.

Do apprenticeships benefit businesses?

Yes, and there’s research to prove it. According to figures from the U.S. Department of Labor, 77% of employers believe apprenticeships make their organizations more competitive, 81% say they improve higher overall productivity and 92% believe apprentices lead to a more motivated and satisfied workforce. According to research, 85% of apprentices will stay in employment, with two-thirds (64%) staying with the same employer.
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