Jani Revier, a native of Three Creek and a fifth generation Idahoan, was appointed by Gov. Brad Little to the position of Director of the Idaho Department of Labor on Jan. 7, 2019, and re-appointed on Jan. 2, 2023.
Prior to this, Revier was the administrator of the Division of Financial Management for six years under Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter. Revier also spent 16 years working for members of the Idaho Congressional delegation in Washington, D.C., and Boise.
Revier is proud to lead more than 500 employees who strive to make a difference in the lives of job seekers, employers, government officials and Idaho citizens.
“Everyone in the department is committed to improving the lives of the people they serve,” Revier said. “People who work in state government and specifically here at the Department of Labor are dedicated to public service and fill an important role in our democracy.”
Revier earned a bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics from Oklahoma State University. Her post-graduate work was in agricultural and resource economics at Oregon State University.
She is married to John Revier, director of external engagement and communications for the Idaho National Laboratory. The Reviers have teenage twins and reside in Meridian.