Bonding allows you to hire an at-risk worker — a formally incarcerated individual or welfare recipient for example — with the skills you need, offering the worker an opportunity to demonstrate job honesty. Bonding protects your business against employee dishonesty.

Protect your business

The Federal Bonding Program issues honesty bonds in increments of $5,000 to immediately cover loss of cash or property valued up to the bond amount. It is designed to encourage employers to give job seekers a chance to prove their value by covering the risk of loss.

  • There must be an offer of employment before a bond can be issued.
  • The bond is good for six months.
  • The job offered must consist of an employer/employee relationship where a W-2 is issued at the end of the year.

View additional program details and contact information with the Idaho Department of Labor’s Federal Bonding Program handout.

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