ATTENTION: Starting July 7, unemployment insurance weekly requirements are changing. For more information, click here.
AVISO: A partir del 7 de julio, los requisitos del seguro de desempleo cambiarán. Para más información, haga clic aquí.

Can a third party represent the employer at an appeals hearing?

Yes. A third party can represent an employer if contracted to manage unemployment claims.

If a claimant is found ineligible and has already been paid benefits, is my account chargeable?

No. Major-base employers aren’t charged for overpayments.

Cost-reimbursement employers will get credit when a claimant has repaid all overpaid benefits to the Idaho Department of Labor.

Read more about major base and cost reimbursement.

How can I appeal benefits charged against my business account?

Major-base employers can appeal a decision for which they’ll be charged. Appeals must be filed within 14 days of the mailing date on a determination.

Appeals can be made on a claimant’s personal eligibility. If no personal eligibility decision has been made, the employer can appeal any chargeable determination mailed to them.

Return to unemployment insurance appeals FAQ

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